I bought into the worst stereotypes about black small-business owners, even after I became one. It takes work not to feed the stereotypes we have about ourselves. “This is
The Story of Black Wall Street
In 1921, the Greenwood district neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was the site of one of the most devastating massacres in the entire history of United States. It was a massacre
Why Buying Black is The Way Out
Financial Education and Awareness Read no further until you accept that no white person or institution will do anything to save you. Every inequity Black people in America face is,
Ways You Can Practice Group Economics
The solution to oppression in black America is unity and money. Together they are formally called Group Economics. Here are 20 plus ways you can participate. Table of Contents Produce
9 to 5 is the New Slavery
“Whoever gives his labor for money sells himself and puts himself in the rank of slaves” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (Roman politician) Table of Contents 1. What is 9-