Spirituality Before Religions: Spirituality is Unseen Science…Science is Seen Spirituality
Spirituality Before Religions, delves deeply into many ideas researched by many brilliant writers and scholars. The ultimate purpose is to synthesize these writings into a comprehensive study of ancient African Deep Thought with Tep Heseb, the Kemetic (Egyptian) process of accurately reckoning by using the correct method of analysis. This clear and concise philosophy guided early humanity into the heavens on earth, while creating a heaven on earth.
Tep Heseb is a major Kemetic (Egyptian) concept that can be interpreted to mean, “An Accurate Reckoning by Using the Correct Method.” We must analyze the Kemetic (Egyptian) writings by using the method applied by Africans for Africans in Africa.
The purpose of “Spirituality Before Religions,” is to demonstrate that humanity’s earliest ideas about spirituality originated in the minds of human beings conceived, born, nurtured, sustained, educated and civilized in the Great Lakes Region in Central/East/South Africa.
The Great Lakes Region includes countries we today call Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Congo, and Southern Africa. After these ancient scholars perfected their worldview, they then traveled north, south, east, and west along ancient river systems, developing civilizations in harmony with Nature on the African continent. Over time, they explored the Earth and laid the foundations for all other ethnic stocks and cultures world-wide.
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